Nack the Weasel - Former Chaotix member and career criminal. Charmy is actually a former resident of The Hive and his mother is the Queen Bee. He's a superb flyer and has access to a large amount of money, though the rest of the team don't know where it comes from. Despite the fact that his comrades seem to hate him, Charmy remains on the team as their scout. Charmy is constantly spouting gibberish and making silly jokes, which drives his teammates crazy. Charmy Bee - Youngest member of the Chaotix, and the most annoying. He is capable of camoflaging himself and blending into his surroundings and can send foes flying with his Tornado Attack. Espio the Chameleon- Espio acts as the Chaotix Crew's spy and saboteur, but possesses excellent fighting ability as well. Tends to be quite headstrong and is often at odds with fellow teammate Espio. Mighty the Armadillo - The strongest member of the crew. He is the team's scientist and also devises strategies for the team and acts as a liason between Chaotix and the New Tek City police force. Vector possesses both brain and brawn, making him an ideal choice for leader. Vector the Crocodile- Official leader of the Chaotix. He serves as the team's advisor and their main method of transport and surveillance. Although responsible for bringing the team together, Omni does not actively lead it. At some unknown point, Omni broke free of Robotnik's control and assembled a team of heroes to oppose his oppression of the Special Zone.
The Omni-Viewer - Founder of the Chaotix Crew.
There have been six members of the Chaotix Crew, but only four members who are always on active duty. 3.7 The Mutated Vector attacks Chaotix The Crimson Cobra.